Please fill out this registration form to sign up.
Street Address:*
Zip Code:*
Phone Number:*
Teacher's Email (Optional):
Select Grade Please Select 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade Parent/Teacher
Please check ONLY 4 areas of greatest interest. Check the web for Workshop Descriptions.
Agricultural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Physical Fitness
Technical Careers - Aviation/Automotive
Have you previously attended EYH? Yes No
If yes, what were the names of the workshops attended?
Getting To Know Your Car
Aviation Careers
Forensic Fun
Kids are Cute: But How Do We Measure Their Behaviors?
Simple, High-Tech Devices Through Low Cost
The Art, Science and Technology of Dental Hygiene
Uncovering Microscopic Mysteries
Microbes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Re-Imagining the Paper Crane Game
Tracking the Sun
Chemistry is out of this world!
Android Programming with App Inventor
Egg Drop Challenge
Lasers and Photonics
Digital Sandbox
Mars Exploration: Is There Life on Mars?
Learning about Geology and Maps with a Virtual Sandbox
How do Rivers Change?
A Good Horse is Never a Bad Color
Cars, Collisions, and Kinematics
Gamification of Science
The Science of Prejudice
The Basics of Neuroscience
Aquatic Ecology: A Day in the Life of a Fish
If possible I would like to attend the same sessions with
Check the one most important to you. It is more important to be with my friend. It is more important to get my workshop choices. I did not choose to attend workshops with a friend.
Registration Fees (includes lunch): DATES Registration $10 - On or before October 6, 2022 Registration $17 - After October 6, 2022 Registration Deadline - October 21, 2022 All fees must be mailed! Check or Money order - no cash please! SIUC-Mathematics Expanding Your Horizons Neckers 360 MC 4408 1245 Lincoln Drive Carbondale, IL 62901 No credit cards accepted.
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