Books | Mathematics | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics


These books can be found on library shelves and at fine bookstores everywhere. Clicking the covers will take you to a link for the book.


Linear Regression

D. Olive:
Linear Regression
Hardcover:  494 pages
Publisher: Springer, New York, NY

Robust Multivariate Analysis

D. Olive:
Robust Multivariate Analysis
Hardcover:  501 pages
Publisher: Springer, New York, NY




Contemporary Math

G. Budzban, R. Hughes, and H. Schurz:
Probability on Algebraic and Geometric Structures
Publisher: Contemporary Mathematics Volume 668, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, pp. 222, 216



Statistical Theory and Inference

David Olive:

Statistical Theory and Inference
Hardcover: 434 pages
Publisher: Springer, New York, NY

mathematics of elections cover

W.D. Wallis:
The Mathematics of Elections and Voting
Pb: 96 pages,
Publisher: Springer, 2014 edition


real world math cover

W.D. Wallis:
Mathematics in the Real World
Hardcover: 240 pages,
Publisher: Birkhauser, 2013 edition


magic graphs cover

Alison M. Marr and W. D. Wallis:
Magic Graphs
Hardcover: 188 pages,
Publisher: Birkhauser, 2nd ed. 2013 edition (Nov 2012)

liapunov theory cover

T. A. Burton:
Liapunov Theory for Integral Equations with Singular Kernels and Fractional Differential Equations
Hardcover: 392 pages,
Publisher: CreateSpace (Aug 2012)


automorphic respresentations cover

Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley:
Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol 2
(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Hardcover: 210 pages,
Cambridge University Press (May 2011)

automorphic respresentations vol 1 cover

Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley:
Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group
(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Hardcover: 550 pages,
Cambridge University Press (Feb 2011)

beginners discrete math cover

W. D. Wallis:
A Beginner's Guide to Discrete Mathematics
Hardcover: 423 pages,
Birkhauser; 2nd ed. 2012 edition (October 14, 2011)


intro to combinatorics math cover

W. D. Wallis:
Introduction to Combinatorics
(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 397 pages,
Chapman and Hall/CRC (September 2010)


pied puzzler math cover

Ed Pegg Jr., Alan H. Schoen and Tom Rodgers (eds):
Homage to a Pied Puzzler
Hardcover: 325 pages,
AK Peters (February 2009)

math wizardry math cover

Ed Pegg Jr., Alan H. Schoen and Tom Rodgers (eds):
Mathematical Wizardry for a Gardner
Hardcover: 325 pages,
AK Peters (April 2009)


stable manifold theorem math cover Salah-eldin A. Mohammed, Tusheng Zhang and Zhao Huaizhong:
The Stable Manifold Theorem for Semilinear Stochastic Evolution Equations and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
(Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Paperback: 105 pages,
American Mathematical Society (November 2008)
fourier analysis math cover

David W. Kammler:
A First Course in Fourier Analysis
Paperback: 864 pages,
Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, (January 2008)


combinatorial designs math cover W. D. Wallis:
Introduction to Combinatorial Designs
Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 328 pages,
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2 edition (May 2007)
beginners graph theory math cover

W. D. Wallis:
A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory
Paperback: 260 pages,
Birkhauser Boston; 2nd edition (June 2007)


stability by fixed point cover T. A. Burton:
Stability by Fixed Point Theory for Functional Differential Equations
Paperback: 368 pages,
Dover Publications (October 2006)
uniform dist of sequences cover

L. Kuipers, H. Niederreiter:
Uniform Distribution of Sequences (Pure & Applied Mathematics Monograph)
Hardcover: 406 pages,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (June 1974).
New Edition: Paperback: 416 Pages, Dover Publications (May 2006)
(H. Niederreiter's connection with SIU: Assistant Professor 9/69-8/71 and Associate Professor 9/72-8/73


stability and periodic solutions cover T. A. Burton:
Stability and Periodic Solutions of Ordinary & Functional Differential Equations
(Dover Books on Mathematics)
Paperback: 352 pages,
Dover Publications (June 2005)
volterra integral cover

T. A. Burton:
Volterra Integral And Differential Equations, 2nd Edition
(Mathematics in Science an Engineering)
Hardcover: 368 pages,
Elsevier Science; 2nd edition (June 2005)


counterexamples in analysis cover Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M. H. Olmsted:
Counterexamples in Analysis
Paperback: 218 pages,
Dover Publications (June 2003)
trends in nonlinear dynamics cover

Wei Kang, Mingqing Xiao and Carlos Borges (eds):
New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, and Their Applications 
(Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Paperback: 363 pages,
Springer (November 2003)

designs 2002 cover

W. D. Wallis (ed):

Designs 2002: Further Computational and Constructive Design Theory
(Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 384 pages
Springer, 2nd edition (September 2003)

beginners finite math cover

W. D. Wallis:
A Beginner's Guide to Finite Mathematics: For Business, Management, and the Social Sciences
Paperback: 354 pages
Birkhauser Boston (November 2003)


beginners discrete math cover W. D. Wallis:
A Beginner's Guide to Discrete Mathematics
Paperback: 388 pages,
Birkhauser Boston (November 2002)
multiple decision procedures cover

Shanti S. Gupta and S. Panchapakesan:
Multiple Decision Procedures: Theory and Methodology of Selecting and Ranking Populations
(Classics in Applied Mathematics) 
Paperback: 573 pages,
Society for Industrial mathematics; Revised edition (December 2002)


magic graphs cover W. D. Wallis:
Magic Graphs
Paperback: 146 pages,
Birkhauser Boston (June 2001)


probability on algebraic structures cover Gregory Budzban, Philip J. Feinsilver, Arunava Mukherjea (eds):
Probability on Algebraic Structures
(Contemporary Mathematics)
Paperback: 238pages,
American Mathematical Society (July 2000)
knots and links cover Robert W. Ghrist, Philip J. Holmes and Michael C. Sullivan:
Knots and Links in Three-Dimensional Flows (Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Paperback: 208 pages
Springer (April 1997)
advances in statistical decision theory cover S. Panchapakesan and N. Balakrishnan (eds):
Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications (Statistics for Industry and Technology)
Hardcover: 448 pages
Birkhauser Boston (September 1997)
methods for differential equations and applications cover Henri Schurz:
Stability, Stationarity, and Boundedness of Some Implicit Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications
Logos (August 1997)
computational theory cover

W. D. Wallis (ed):
Computational and Constructive Design Theory (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 372 pages
Springer (April 1996)

one factorizations cover

W. D. Wallis:
One-Factorizations (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 256 pages
Springer (December 1996)

number theory cover

Don Redmond:
Number Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Hardcover: 772 pages
CRC Press (April 1996)

algebraic structures cover

P. Feinsilver and Rene Schott:
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume III: Representations of Lie Groups
Hardcover: 240 pages
Springer (December 1995)

numerical analysis cover

John Gregory and Don Redmond:
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Hardcover: 325 pages
Jones & Bartlett Publishers (March 1994)

algebraic structures vol 2 cover

P. Feinsilver and Rene Schott:
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume II: Special Functions and Computer Science
Hardcover: 164 pages
Springer (June 1994)

algebraic structures vol 1 cover

P. Veinsilver and Rene Schott:
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume I: Representations and Probability Theory
Hardcover: 236 pages
Springer (January 1993)

numerical solution cover

Peter Eris Kloeden, Eckhard Platen and Henri Schurz:
Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments
Paperback: 292 pages
Springer (December 1993)

constrained optimization cover

J. Gregory and C. Lin:
Constrained Optimization in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory
Hardcover: 275 pages
Springer (May 1992)

theorems and counterexamples cover

Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M. H. Olmstead:
Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics (Problem Books in Mathematics)
Hardcover: 348 pages
Springer (August 1990)

geometry cover

Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker:
Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Hardcover: 392 pages
Springer; 2nd edition (December 1990)

combinatorial designs cover

W. D. Wallis:
Combinatorial Designs (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Hardcover: 344 pages
CRC Press (April 1988)

unimodality cover

Sudhakar Dharmadhikari, Kumar Joag-Dev (eds):
Unimodality, Convexity, and Applications (Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
Hardcover: 278 pages
Academic Press (August 1988)

unimodularity cover

Sudhakar Dharmadhikari:
Unimodularity, Convexity and Applications
Academic Press (1988)

stochastic functional cover

Salah E. Mohammed:
Stochastic Functional Differential Equations (Research Notes in Mathematics Series)
Paperback: 250 page
Longman Higher Education (June 1984)
Also: John Wiley and Sons (October 1984)

quadratic form theory cover

John Gregory:
Quadratic Form Theory and Differential Equations
Hardcover: 322 pages
Elsevier Science (February 1981)

volterra integral cover

T. A. Burton:
Volterra Integral and Differential Equations
Hardcover: 313 pages
Academic Press (October 1983)

math biology cover

T. A. Burton (ed):
Mathematical Biology: A Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Molecular Science
Hardcover: 241 pages
Pergamon (August 1981)

algebra cover

Ralph K. Amayo (ed):
Algebra. Carbondale 1980: Lie Algebras, Group Theory and Partially Ordered Algebraic Structures
Paperback: 308 pages
Springer (May 1981)

modeling biology cover

T. A. Burton
Modeling and Differential Equations in Biology (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Paperback: 292 pages
CRC Press (September 1980)

no cover image Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker:
Calculus: Apractical Introduction
Hardcover: 416 pages
McGraw-Hill (TS) (June 1979)
number theory cover M. B. Nathanson (ed):
Number Theory, Carbondale 1979. Proceedings of the Southern Illinois Number Theory Conference Carbondale, March 30 and 31, 1979
Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 751
Paperback: 352 page
Springer (November 1979)
retarded functional equations cover Sala-eldin A. Mohammed:
Retarded Functional Differential Equations: A Global Point of View
Paperback: 147 pages
Pitman Publishing (June 1978)
special functions cover

P. Feinsilver:
Special Functions, Probability Semigroups and Hamiltonian Flows (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Paperback: 124 pages
Springer (December 1978)

differential geometry cover

Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker:
Elements of Differential Geometry
Paperback: 265 pages
Prentice Hall; Facsimile edition (April 1977)

intro to combinatory logic cover

J. R. Hindley, B. Lercher and J. P. Seldin:
Introduction to Combinatory Logic (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Paperback: 170 pages
Cambridge University Press (June 1972)
[Based on lectures given in Bristol (1967-8), Swansea (1968-9), and Southern Illinois (1969-70)]

no cover available

H. H. Snyder
A Hypercompled Function-Theory Associated with La-Place's Equation
(Mathematische Forschungsberichte, 23)
98 pages
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften VEB (1968)

second course in calculus cover

John M. H. Olmsted
A Second Course in Calculus
(The Appleton-Century mathematics series)
Hardcover: 336 pages
Irvington Pub (March 1968)

advanced calculus cover

John M. H. Olmsted
Advanced Calculus
Hardcover: 706 pages
Prentice Hall (December 1961)

intermediate analysis cover

John M. H. Olmsted
Intermediate Analysis, An Introduction to the Theory of Functions of One Real Variable
Hardcover: 306 pages
Irvington Pub; 1st Irvington edition (December 1979) [first ed: 1947]

analytic geometry cover

John M. H. Olmsted
Solid Analytic Geometry (The Appleton-Century mathematics series)
Hardcover: 257 pages
D. Appleton-Century company, inc (1947)