Gregory Budzban, Philip J. Feinsilver, Arunava Mukherjea (eds): Probability on Algebraic Structures (Contemporary Mathematics) Paperback: 238pages, American Mathematical Society (July 2000) |
Robert W. Ghrist, Philip J. Holmes and Michael C. Sullivan: Knots and Links in Three-Dimensional Flows (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Paperback: 208 pages Springer (April 1997) |
S. Panchapakesan and N. Balakrishnan (eds): Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications (Statistics for Industry and Technology) Hardcover: 448 pages Birkhauser Boston (September 1997) |
Henri Schurz: Stability, Stationarity, and Boundedness of Some Implicit Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications Logos (August 1997) |
W. D. Wallis (ed): Computational and Constructive Design Theory (Mathematics and Its Applications) Hardcover: 372 pages Springer (April 1996)
W. D. Wallis: One-Factorizations (Mathematics and Its Applications) Hardcover: 256 pages Springer (December 1996)
Don Redmond: Number Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics) Hardcover: 772 pages CRC Press (April 1996)
P. Feinsilver and Rene Schott: Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume III: Representations of Lie Groups Hardcover: 240 pages Springer (December 1995)
John Gregory and Don Redmond: Introduction to Numerical Analysis Hardcover: 325 pages Jones & Bartlett Publishers (March 1994)
P. Feinsilver and Rene Schott: Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume II: Special Functions and Computer Science Hardcover: 164 pages Springer (June 1994)
P. Veinsilver and Rene Schott: Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume I: Representations and Probability Theory Hardcover: 236 pages Springer (January 1993)
Peter Eris Kloeden, Eckhard Platen and Henri Schurz: Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments Paperback: 292 pages Springer (December 1993)
J. Gregory and C. Lin: Constrained Optimization in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory Hardcover: 275 pages Springer (May 1992)
Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M. H. Olmstead: Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics (Problem Books in Mathematics) Hardcover: 348 pages Springer (August 1990)
Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker: Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) Hardcover: 392 pages Springer; 2nd edition (December 1990)
W. D. Wallis: Combinatorial Designs (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) Hardcover: 344 pages CRC Press (April 1988)
Sudhakar Dharmadhikari, Kumar Joag-Dev (eds): Unimodality, Convexity, and Applications (Probability and Mathematical Statistics) Hardcover: 278 pages Academic Press (August 1988)
Sudhakar Dharmadhikari: Unimodularity, Convexity and Applications Academic Press (1988)
Salah E. Mohammed: Stochastic Functional Differential Equations (Research Notes in Mathematics Series) Paperback: 250 page Longman Higher Education (June 1984) Also: John Wiley and Sons (October 1984)
John Gregory: Quadratic Form Theory and Differential Equations Hardcover: 322 pages Elsevier Science (February 1981)
T. A. Burton: Volterra Integral and Differential Equations Hardcover: 313 pages Academic Press (October 1983)
T. A. Burton (ed): Mathematical Biology: A Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Molecular Science Hardcover: 241 pages Pergamon (August 1981)
Ralph K. Amayo (ed): Algebra. Carbondale 1980: Lie Algebras, Group Theory and Partially Ordered Algebraic Structures Paperback: 308 pages Springer (May 1981)
T. A. Burton Modeling and Differential Equations in Biology (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Paperback: 292 pages CRC Press (September 1980)
Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker: Calculus: Apractical Introduction Hardcover: 416 pages McGraw-Hill (TS) (June 1979) |
M. B. Nathanson (ed): Number Theory, Carbondale 1979. Proceedings of the Southern Illinois Number Theory Conference Carbondale, March 30 and 31, 1979 Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 751 Paperback: 352 page Springer (November 1979) |
Sala-eldin A. Mohammed: Retarded Functional Differential Equations: A Global Point of View Paperback: 147 pages Pitman Publishing (June 1978) |
P. Feinsilver: Special Functions, Probability Semigroups and Hamiltonian Flows (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) Paperback: 124 pages Springer (December 1978)
Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker: Elements of Differential Geometry Paperback: 265 pages Prentice Hall; Facsimile edition (April 1977)
J. R. Hindley, B. Lercher and J. P. Seldin: Introduction to Combinatory Logic (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) Paperback: 170 pages Cambridge University Press (June 1972) [Based on lectures given in Bristol (1967-8), Swansea (1968-9), and Southern Illinois (1969-70)]
H. H. Snyder A Hypercompled Function-Theory Associated with La-Place's Equation (Mathematische Forschungsberichte, 23) 98 pages Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften VEB (1968)
John M. H. Olmsted A Second Course in Calculus (The Appleton-Century mathematics series) Hardcover: 336 pages Irvington Pub (March 1968)
John M. H. Olmsted Advanced Calculus Hardcover: 706 pages Prentice Hall (December 1961)
John M. H. Olmsted Intermediate Analysis, An Introduction to the Theory of Functions of One Real Variable Hardcover: 306 pages Irvington Pub; 1st Irvington edition (December 1979) [first ed: 1947]
John M. H. Olmsted Solid Analytic Geometry (The Appleton-Century mathematics series) Hardcover: 257 pages D. Appleton-Century company, inc (1947)