SIUC Math Club
The SIUC Math Club is a largely informal club dedicated to improving students' understanding of mathematics and how it impacts their lives. Connect on their Facebook page.
The difficulty of providing college-level credit-bearing classes for students in such a way that every student is able to take such a class that advances them toward their own educational goals is a serious and nationwide one in mathematics. SIUC Mathematics has followed a two-pronged strategy to meet it.
In the first place, we have improved and expanded the variety of courses that will meet the needs of students in non-quantitative fields. A state-of-the-art liberal arts mathematics course and a data science course are both offered to satisfy university core requirements with minimal prior knowledge assumed.
The second prong is directed toward students whose programs require a higher level of mathematics. At the college algebra level, we have introduced a coremediation version of the college algebra class, in which students not qualified for traditional credit-bearing courses on this track are able to master college algebra along with its prerequisite material in a single semester. The success of this course has been such that we currently are not scheduling sections of our non-credit intermediate algebra course. We are applying this method at the higher level, too. Since college algebra and trigonometry, while they may bear credit, will not put many STEM majors on track for four-year graduation, we also offer a coremediation Calculus 1 course, which includes many of the algebra and trigonometry prerequisites in combination with a traditional Calculus 1 in a single semester.
A placement system, supported by internal success data, guides students to courses that both meet their needs and give them opportunity to succeed.
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Besides specific College and University requirements, all of these programs include calculus, linear algebra and computer programming. Beyond this core, majors consult with a mathematics advisor to plan a program suited to individual interests and goals.
The SIUC Math Club is a largely informal club dedicated to improving students' understanding of mathematics and how it impacts their lives. Connect on their Facebook page.
We also offer special programs for a double major in math and…