Math Courses Online
Math Courses Online
Math courses online at SIU!
Are you interested in taking College Algebra (Math 108), Trigonometry (Math 109), Finite Math (Math 139), Business Calculus (Math 140), Precalculus (Math 111), Calculus 1 (Math 150), Introduction to Statistics (Math 282), Technical Math (125), or Contemporary Mathematics (Math 101) online at Southern Illinois University? Here are several issues worth considering.
***The first thing to be considered before signing up for an online math course is that you will need to have 3 exams plus a final exam proctored during the semester at either Testing Services at SIUC or if you are not a local student, with an approved proctor at a public library or testing center. Testing Services will help find a proctor if needed.***
- How is the course designed/set up?
The course is set up similar to a traditional course with the only exception being students will view recorded lectures. For Math 108 only, this includes the no calculator policy. The online course is not “easier” than the traditional course. In fact, it requires more self-motivation. You should not take this course if math is a struggle for you.
· In Math 108, Math 109, Math 111, Math 125, Math 139, Math 140, Math 150, and Math 282 there will be approximately 3 written exams and a written final. For Math 101, the tests will be taken online (proctored). Local students (within a 40 minute drive) should take the exams on campus at the Testing Center on the 7th floor of Morris Library. Other students will be allowed to use a college or university testing center or a public library as a proctor. Students will need to arrange a proctor at the beginning of the semester. Students are responsible for scheduling their test day at least 2 days in advance.
Here is the link to the Testing Services website. The setup of proctoring and scheduling of exams will go through them.
- How will assignments be submitted?
· All homework and quizzes are submitted into Mylabsplus or Webassign (depending on the course). Assignments have specific opening and closing dates. The courses are not self-paced.
- For most courses, written assignments (in the form of worksheets) will be scanned in and submitted to your virtual drop box.
- What type of help is available?
There are lecture videos for each section covered in the course syllabus. These videos cover the same material and/examples that appear in the course notes.
· Alongside every homework problem is a list of learning aids including Help Me Solve This, Videos, Animations and access to E-Textbook.
· For students who are able to come to campus, the math computer lab in Morris Library (Room 680) is staffed with tutors and computers on Monday-Thursday from 5-8 p.m. starting the 2nd week of each semester.
· Virtual office hours will be offered by the instructor. Traditional office hours in the Neckers building will also be offered by your instructor. - What materials must be purchased?
For Math 101, 108, 109, 111, 125, 139, 140, and 282 you must purchase access to Mylabsplus. It can be purchased from inside the classroom for around $120. For Math 150 you will need a Webassign access code. You will have access to the e-book. Math 101, Math 109, Math 111, Math 140, Math 139 will require a scientific calculator. No graphing calculators or cell phones will be allowed. We recommend the TI-30XIIS.
For Math 101, you must purchase the Math 101 Course Notes from a local bookstore. If you are not a local student, you can purchase them online at and have them shipped to you.
For Math 108, you must purchase the Math 108 Course Notes from a local bookstore. If you are not a local student, you can purchase them online at and have them shipped to you. The lecture notes include the worksheets that are submitted.
For Math 109, you must purchase the Math 109 Course Notes from a local bookstore. If you are not a local student, you can purchase them online at and have them shipped to you. The lecture notes include the worksheets that are submitted.
For Math 111, you will not need to purchase any additional items.
For Math 140, you will not need to purchase any additional items.
For Math 139, you will not need to purchase any additional items.
- How do I get started?
All enrolled students will receive an email (to your SIU e-mail account) one week prior to the start of the semester explaining how to access the course and register your code. For Math 108,109,111,125,139,140, and 282 you will login to the class by logging into Salukinet and clicking on Pearson My Labs Plus under the Most Popular Category. For Math 150, you should login to D2L (My courses) for future instrution. - Questions about our online math Courses? E-mail Thara Lowndes at