Dashun Xu
Professor; Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 2004. Applied Mathematics.
Research Interests
My main research interests lie in the area of mathematical biology, particularly in the field of epidemiology and population biology. I apply the mathematical methods of differential equations and dynamical systems to study such problems as the identification of appropriate control strategies for infectious diseases, population persistence, etc.
Selected Publications
- Epidemiological models with non-exponentially distributed disease stages and applications to disease control, Bull. Math. Bio. 69 (2007),1511-1536 (with Z. Feng and H. Zhao).
- Spatially structured metapopulation model with patch dynamics, J. Theo. Bio. 239 (2006), 469-481(with Z. Feng, L. Allen and R. K. Swihart).
- On the role of schistosome mating structure in the maintenance of resistant strains, Bull. for Math. Bio. 67 (2005), 1207-1226 (with J. Curtis, Z. Feng and D. J. Minchella).
- Global dynamics and Hopf bifurcation of a structured population model, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 6 (2005), 461-476.
- Bistable waves in an epidemic model, J. of Dynamics and Differential Equations 16 (2004), 679-707 (with X.-Q. Zhao).